Adventure At C: V3.2 Introducción: ¿Así que piensas ser el maestro de los Side Scrollers? ¡Piensa de nuevo! ¡Adventure At C: es un side scroller divertido y fácil de controlar con multitud de desafíos y contenido! Línea argumental: Eres un programador informático que se infectó con un montón de virus. ¡Un misterioso virus conocido como RS se ha hecho con el control de tu sistema y afirma poder usarlo para dominar el mundo! Con miedo, pruebas tu código no probado para transformarte en un programa y colocarte tú mismo en la unidad de disco duro. Realmente funciona y ahora estás en un mundo en el que virus, archivos dañados y otros datos del mismo calibre rondan en el disco por doquier. Características: Controles fáciles de recordar con niveles de mucha dificultad, a los efectos de crear una experiencia disfrutable. ¡Realmente tu personaje tiene estadísticas! Salud, Energía y Defensa. Éstas se pueden ampliar comprando ampliaciones en la tienda. Las partidas se guardan completamente, créeme que te pondrá muy contento. Múltiples bloques para guardar. ¡¡Puedes crear tus bien propios escenarios y virus y compartirlos con tus amigos o el mundo!! Obstáculos Este juego reintroduce algunos obstáculos similares a los que sin duda habrás encontrado en otros side scrollers. Las matrices de eliminación simplemente son matrices que intentan eliminar lo que sea que se halle bajo ellas. Eliminan a intervalos regulares, así que serás tú quien deberá calcular el tiempo adecuado para pasar bajo ellas. Los sectores defectuosos son básicamente precipicios de otros side scrollers auditivos. Las espigas lesionan y a veces matan, pero las puedes saltar por encima y salir ileso. Las Barreras Eléctricas son paredes por las que debes saltar encima. A diferencia de las espigas, te matan siempre. Las plataformas a veces se ubican en sectores defectuosos. Si aterrizas en una, no serás dañado. A veces tienes que saltar de una plataforma a otra. Las alfombras de teletransportación son alfombras de teletransportación. Pues eso, te teletransportan a algún lado. Los datos de acero son paredes infranqueables. A veces tendrás que completar minijuegos o puzzles y alguien las retirará por ti. A veces pueden destruirse con el siguiente obstáculo de esta lista. Las Bombas de Tiempo son cosas peligrosas. Si te encuentras demasiado cerca de alguna cuando explota, ¡bum!, morirás o bien sufrirás montón de daño. Puedes tomarlas con la tecla alt y volver a colocarlas en la tierra con la tecla alt. Para lanzar una bomba, simplemente corre en esa dirección y pulsa alt al tiempo que sigues corriendo. Puede ser útil para librarte de bombas. Los geysers son ataques sorpresivos. ¡No sabrás cuándo surgirán hasta que lo hagan! No hay manera contra estos geysers, a no ser que esperes que se calmen. Si tienes prisa, podrías arriesgarte a recibir el daño. Si caminas sobre el lugar de un geyser, harás un sonido de paso sobre mojado. Las flechas se lanzarán delante o detrás tuyo. Se mueven rápido, definitivamente querrás agacharte. Desde esta versión, sólo causan 65 de daño. Sin embargo, puede resultar un tanto costoso. Los BSOD Hacks corren de un lado tuyo al otro. Si te hallas en su camino, morirás. Este obstáculo es de aparición únicamente postjuego. Controles Barra espaciadora dispara tu arma (personalizable en el juego). Izquierda mueve el personaje a la izquierda. Derecha mueve el personaje a la derecha. Abajo agacha. Arriba salta. (Personalizable en el juego) H te dice tus puntos de salud. shift más H te dice tu salud máxima. A anuncia tu ataque. S anuncia tu defensa. N te dice tu nombre, ¿de verdad lo necesitas? T te dice el tiempo total de juego en la partida de este archivo. V te dice el volumen actual de la música. D baja el volumen de la música. U sube el volumen de la música. L te dice cuántas vidas tienes. F2 Instala el keyhook para jaws. F3 Desinstala el keyhook para jaws. C anuncia tu posición en el mapa. M anuncia tus bits (la moneda que se usa en AAC) K anuncia el total de entidades que mataste en el escenario actual, entretanto shift+k anunciará el total de entidades que mataste en todos los escenarios. 1 y 2 se usan respectivamente para conmutar entre el cuchillo y el láser. Escape se puede usar en un escenario para salir del escenario y regresar a la antesala de niveles. F8 se puede usar para pausar la partida. alt + f4 se puede usar para salir del juego en cualquier momento. Enter se usa para muchas operaciones: escoger una opción de menú, saltar la voz del TTS o una escena no interactiva, o para entrar a un nivel. Espacio también se usa para verificar el estado de un nivel completado o no completado, por cuanto no es necesario que los culmines en un orden determinado. Shift + O se usa para acceder a un menú de opciones del juego cuando no estás en un nivel. Puedes hacer cosas como ver tus logros y cambiar las teclas para algunas cosas. B se usa para comprobar la batería del láser, pero sólo si el láser es tu arma activa. Alt se usa para tomar y poner bombas. Puedes correr con bombas en los niveles. Puedes correr y, mientras mantienes pulsado el botón para correr, ¡puedes pulsar alt y lanzarás la bomba en esa dirección! Armas Tienes 2 armas, un cuchillo y un láser. (Puede que se agreguen más en el futuro, pero únicamente postjuego.) El cuchillo puede golpear en el mismo casilla en que estás y un casilla a la izquierda o la derecha, dependiendo de la dirección que estés siguiendo. El láser golpea 5 casillas a la izquierda o la derecha, y daña en función tanto de la batería del láser como de tu estadística de ataque. Cada vez que disparas el láser su energía se reduce, y cada 5 segundos que estés equipado con él la energía disminuye ligeramente. Demasiado ligeramente, no obstante no está de más mencionarlo. Con una batería llena, la batería tardaría 6 horas y media en agotarse, suponiendo que no disparaste nunca. La energía disminuye mucho más rápido al disparar. La Ciberestrella es un arma interesante que se puede desbloquear postjuego. ¿Te preguntas cómo? El arma tarda un rato en recargarse tras usarla, pero hace un daño decente a todos los enemigos en su rango. Actualizaciones: El juego busca actualizaciones cada vez que lo cargas. Opcionalmente puedes buscar actualizaciones en la pantalla principal. Jefes: ¿Spoilers? ¿puede ser? Escenario introductorio: El jefe de la introducción es tan solo un enemigo más poderoso. Es demasiado fácil. Estará muerto en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Descargas (Downloads): Este jefe se te escapa mientras periódicamente coloca Bombas Zip (un tipo de enemigo, no lo confundas con el obstáculo bomba de tiempo). Comienza aproximadamente 20 casillas a tu derecha y empieza a moverse al instante. Imágenes (Pictures): Cuando aparece este jefe, el nivel cambia por completo. Habrás de luchar en un campo de batalla vacío con plataformas a intervalos regulares. Este enemigo está en un avión, con lo que para golpearlo tendrás que saltar. No hay manera para esquivar sus ataques, debido a tu plataformita. Por supuesto, podrías saltar a otra plataforma y, si se te escapa, tendrás que. Música (Music): Este jefe coloca bombas de tiempo a la vez que te intenta matar con su ataque regular. Las bombas de tiempo no lo lesionarán si explotan, pero a ti ciertamente te lesionarán. Debes lanzarlo al sector defectuoso hacia tu derecha. Nota: Contra este jefe el láser no funciona. Escritorio (Desktop): Nada de especial en este chico, se teletransporta por el escenario. Fuera de eso, es de lo más normal. Documentos (Documents): Este jefe se adentra en los sectores defectuosos. No lo afectan, y puede surgir de cualquier sector defectuoso aleatorio de los varios de esta área encerrada. Vídeos (Videos): Este chico es un enemigo normal, ¡salvo por que al matarlo resucita la primera vez! Asimismo, recupera un poquito de salud cada cierto tiempo. Usuarios (Users): Este jefe intenta reformatear la unidad de disco duro. Si te hallas en su camino, ciertamente se te matará. Definitivamente querrás usar el láser o golpearlo con el cuchillo rápidamente y acto seguido escapártele saltando. Comienza a tu izquierda. Si mueres, estará a tu derecha y habrás de saltar por encima de él antes de atacarlo. Archivos de programa (Program files): Este jefe cambia el entorno y se va corriendo más o menos cada 5 segundos. Puede convocar variedad de obstáculos con el objeto de trampear el campo. Jefe del interludio: Este jefe no es tan mortal como sus ataques dan lugar a suponer. Sin embargo, se te lanzan flechas que hacen un montón de daño. Observa que las flechas suelen aparecer 20 casillas a tu izquierda o tu derecha pero, si no hay veinte casillas a tu izquierda o tu derecha, aparecerán mucho más cerca y puedes tener problemas para esquivarlas. ¡Aléjate de las paredes! Windows: Una versión del primer jefe bastante más poderosa, el jefe del nivel introductorio. System32: No hay jefe. Fortaleza (Fortress): Este jefe camina por el escenario para golpearte y luego escaparse saltando. Tiene plena libertad ambulatoria en el escenario, pero tú tienes que caminar por las plataformas. Fortaleza interna (Inner fortress): No hay jefe Jefe final, fase I: Este jefe es demasiado rápido y poderoso para golpearlo. Sin embargo, en el escenario hay algo que hará que sigas resistiendo y te resultará muy útil. Es todo lo que te digo. Jefe final, fase II: Ahora rusty está en un ship. El ruido que hace al volar cambia periódicamente. A veces está 8 casillas por encima de tu cabeza y a veces a 4, dependiendo del ruido que haga. No te es posible saltar lo suficientemente alto para golpearlo cuando está a 8 casillas, pero es probable que puedas saltar y golpearlo cuando esté 4 casillas por encima tuyo. Experimenta hasta que des con la significación de altura de sus sonidos. EMO, es bastante obvio. Pero de nuevo, yo escribí el juego. Se reirá y colocará un obstáculo, ¡estate alerta! También hay un fuego horrible que te persigue en el transcurso de la batalla. Guardado No puedes guardar el juego manualmente. Se guardará automáticamente cuando corresponda. Se guardará cada vez que: Consigas un logro Completes un nivel y salgas de la pantalla de felicitaciones Entres en la antesala de niveles Salgas de la tienda Y en muchos otros casos. Si estás en el medio de un nivel y cierras el juego de una, es dable suponer que tu progreso no se haya guardado. Pero si pulsas Escape para salir del nivel y después sales del juego, es casi seguro que se guardó. Si te las arreglas para que se guarde dentro de un nivel, p. ej. consiguiendo un logro a la mitad del nivel, y acto seguido cierras el juego, las estadísticas que tenías cuando el juego se guardó por supuesto permanecerán iguales (salud, vidas, etc.), sin perjuicio de que regresarás a la antesala de niveles. Creación de escenarios personalizados (no traducido actualmente): To create a custom stage, you must have beaten the game on the file you are trying to build a stage on. To play a stage, you must have beaten the intro level only. To edit a stage you need to also have beaten the game. Getting to the stage menu is easy, press shift s while in the inbetween levels area. From there select any of the three options. This section of the documentation will cover stage creation, which in turn covers editing stages, and playing a stage is just like playing a normal stage. You need to have a folder called stages in the same folder you are running aac.exe in. I did not have it save the stages folder in an application data folder because the stages folder needs to be quickly and easily reachible, so you may copy and paste files to it. Anyway, I will now go over the controls of the stage builder builder mode. To switch between modes, press f5. The builder mode is the default, where you can place obstacles and save the stage. The playtest mode is where you play through your stage. Builder mode controls: r: places a delete ray. Space: sets the end of level. (when playtesting, the end of level thing will not happen. You must play stage for this to actually happen. E: Places an enemy! S: places a spike. F: places a platform. G: places a geyser. C: checks your location. P: places a corrupt sector. M: changes the tile you are standing on to a different tile. L: sets the starting location. A: places an arrow. O: Places a BSOD_Hack. I places an item. Y brings up the ogg media player. While in the ogg media player, R can be used to view ogg files that aren't in the game's searching scope. Enter places text to play when the user is on that square. T: places a teleporter. B: Places a barrier. F6: changes the background music. F7: changes the ambiance (background sound). F9 Set stage flags. F10 saves your stage to a .stg file. Z creates a warp point between two custom stages. H defines a custom sound_source. J create fire. K create bomb. n Creates a scene. Q can lock a stage. This is so that if you have a few stages that play out a sequence, the later parts can't be accessed unless through your stage. I think thats everything! Música personalizada (no traducido actualmente) In addition to the four built in tracks, the game also allows you to save an audio file with your stage file. The game only accepts ogg files, however. Many converters exist for conversion from one audio format to ogg. Disadvantages of using ogg files: OGG files will make your stage file much bigger. OGG files must be loaded from memory, and it can be quite costly to the ram. On the other hand, nobody wants to hear the same four tracks for every stage they play, now do they? :) Toma de notas: AAC 2.0 introduce una característica un tanto innecesaria llamada toma de notas. Con la característica de toma de notas puedes escribirte notas para ti, como "lista de logros: Ganar el juego, matar a diez animales, etc." No hay restricciones de lo que puedes o no puedes escribir en estas notas. Estás limitado exactamente a 10240 bytes o 10 kB. Para desplazarte por las notas, pulsa tab y shift+tab. Para volver a oír la nota que tiene el foco actualmente, pulsa cualquiera de las teclas control. Pulsa I para escuchar el índice de la nota actual (1-100). Pulsa C para copiar la nota al portapapeles. Pulsa espacio para crear/editar una nota. Observa que el cuadro de edición ya tendrá el contenido de la nota, de modo que la creación y edición de notas son idénticas. Puedes navegar rápidamente por tu lista de notas con las teclas numéricas 1 a cero. Cero te llevará a la nota 1, 1 te llevará a la 10, 2 te llevará a la veinte, 3 te llevará a la 30, etc. El anotador sólo está disponible en los menúes de pausa. El juego se autoguardará al crear una nota o editar una antigua, pero sólo si estás en la antesala de niveles. Si no estás en la antesala de niveles, las notas se guardarán cuando salgas de o completes un nivel. Speech_codes (no traducido actualmente) This feature is available only in the talking squares of AAC's stage builder. Speech_codes are a way of speaking information to the player which may not be static or that varies from player to player, such as the player's name. Simply put these any where in a text square textbox and the desired varying text will be read to the player. \[USERNAME] displays the user's name. \[BITS] displays the player's total bits. Note that you gain bits in custom stages, however the bits are reset on stage completion. \[ATTACK] displays the user's attack. \[DEFENSE] displays the user's defense stat. \[HEALTH] displays the user's current health. \[MAXHEALTH] displays the user's maximum health. \[LIVES] Displays the user's lives. \[PLAYTIME] displays the user's total game playtime, as displayed when T is pressed. \[WEAPON_NAME] Displays the name of the weapon equipped. Lista de tareas pendientes Corregir errores reportados por los jugadores, si los hay. Agregar más funcionalidad al constructor de escenarios. ¿Tienes una idea? No puedo garantizar que se vayan a agregar todas las sugerencias, ¡pero ello no impide que las sugieras! Quién sabe, si despierta mi interés podría estar encantado de agregarla. ¡Disfruta de Adventure At C:! Changelog (en inglés): V3.2 Quite a lot of important bugfixes, including a stat reduction bug. Now, the game can detect if a stat reduction bug is going to happen and pop up an error, so if there ever is another, I'll have adaquate information to track it down. Also, the error message provents the stat reduction from happening, ever!. Added a random stage generator, this feature will ad " (random)" to the end of your stage title, so people will know if you took the easy route for creating a generic stage. Added the ability to delete items. V3.1 Added the ability to create an unpassible barrier as scene in the inner fortress level. Added more configuration options to the geyser. Fixed bugs. V3.0.4 OK, I know there have been quite a few bugfix builds, sorry! Just know it's harder work for me to recompile, upload, and update the version info than it is for you to download and exstract to the proper directory, so I only update when there is cause. Anyway, we've got two scene bugs fixed, those are the primary fixes. Tiles are now reset back to their proper values when you reenter builder mode. Previously this was not necessary due to nothing in the stage barring corrupt sectors were permitted to change tiles. With the addition of bombs, however, steel datas can be destroyed. Also an alert box was removed from audio form which I left in on accident whilst debugging it. Please enjoy the new versions as they were originally ment to be enjoyed! v3.0 Bugfixes. Added bombs to the stage builder. Added fire to the stage builder. You can now trigger scenes and text squares at the end of a level. You now have more configuration options for scenes and text squares. The mass-tile feature is now activated with control and M instead of insert and M. Enjoy! V2.6.1 Stat reduction bug fixed, this is a critical bug fix! Pit noise stacking caused in version 2.6 has been fixed. V2.6 Warning! AAC is no longer officially supported! Some features are incomplete. Bugs are no longer guaranteed to be fixed. The changes include Added moving teleporters. Custom tile support, press shift plus m for the tile editor. Multiplace tile feature, press CTRL + plus m. This allows you to specify a leftmost and rightmost position. These squares, and all squares in between, are set to the tile of your choice. Fixed misc. bugs. Added segrigation to audio file selection, allowing you to be more organized. This means you are presented with a list of folders instead of files when you select a sound file. V2.5.5 Added flags to allow certain weapons to be allowed or disallowed from stages. Fixed some bugs with setting initial stat flags in the stage builder. Changed the way some internals work so as to allow custom voices for custom stages to maybe be possible in the future, don't get your hopes up! The fire now makes a sound which is centered through the fire's demensions like the corrupt sectors do. This was a necessary feature I had not done because the fire was so seldum used and it is very annoying to convert to the demension method. This, however, was the primary limitation keeping me from adding fire to the stage builder, so maybe I'll add that soon...maybe. V2.5.4 Fixed an exploit bug with the mid-game boss. Whilst doing this, I also made it to where the mid-game boss disappears if you get gameover, so you have to recombine the keycode. Apparently some people were annoyed by the fact it didn't reset. They actually weren't one and the same fix, either, but I initially thought it was. Anyway, I've now added the new scenes and music to the sound test, for those who are worthy anyway. If you have already beaten the arena, you need to do so again because I was not storing the completed status of the stage. The reason being I had no reason too, I didn't think it would ever change anything, but you have to beat it to unlock those scenes. V2.5.3 Fixed a bug with the debug control panel when switching your position. Just as in the random stage where enemies, items and arrows respawn when you die, you can now set this as a behavior for your very own custom stage. This allows you to perhaps make a puzzle which involves grabbing an item to do it, like invinsibility. V2.5.2 Fixed bugs related to the arena, as well as weakened the third boss a tad. V2.5 Fixed a bug I accidently introduced in the last version where you wouldn't get pushed to the left or right when landing on a rock. Final stage-ish thing released! Have fun! V2.4.5 Fixed some stage builder bugs. Fixed a bug where you could get knocked out by a wall, on to a checkpoint, and not receive the checkpoint. Performed performance slightly. Major performance boost when exiting long series of stages, primarily custom stages. You can now test with any stat setup in custom stages! On a side note, I worked quite a bit on the final segment of the final story, which should be available within a few weeks if I can get time by myself to record. V2.4.4.3 Minor bug in which obstacles wouldn't be perminately deleted when editing a stage. Apparently I broke text square editing while converting the way editing obstacles worked internally, this has been fixed now. Re-did the internal workings of stat changes in custom stages. V2.4.4.2 Ergent bug fix to do with the stage builder new feature! Update or your file could be perminately damaged! Also removed the default ambiance of custom stages. V2.4.4 There are once again only stage builder features added. Added the ability to set character's initial stats when the stage starts, in the new stage flags menu which can be accessed by pressing F9. As the ability to edit obstacles continues to get introduced, you can now delete all obstacles, not just text squares, so you don't have to restart your stage creation process when just one obstacle has an issue. Stage transitions can now be set to happen at the end of the level, with out specifying the position as well. You can now disable an ending level square. Minor misc. improvements. That's all, folks. V2.4.3 Changed the behavior of end level squares. They previously would end the stage if you were further to the right than they were, now they only take effect on the actual square. You can now tell an enemy to end the stage when it is killed. Changed the behavior of stage passwords. The past password no longer is in the box when you save a stage. This caused some people issues while creating stages. You can now tell a transition to activate upon stage completion. v2.4.2 Fixed some spelling errors. Fix a bug which would speak perchase success even if you didn't buy an extra life. A corrupt edge noise now plays if you land on a corrupt sector edge instead of the usually wooden fall which used to play in this situation. The game now quearies instead of when searching for updates. V2.4.1 A bug when setting the stage transition to a stage with no password has been fixed. A bug with stage varification has been fixed. A bug where platforms would only make a noise when you are super close to them has been rectified. Ajusted the Cyber Star to make it a little less of a pain to work with. It now always does ten damage to you, and now inflicts slightly more damage on enemies. V2.4 SGS Media Player is now called OGG Media Player, and works as expected, unlike the previous version. You can now press R to view OGG files that aren't in the game's folder. These files still can't be used in your project unless they are in the game folder, however. Custom scenes now work again. Custom ambiances now work again. Viruses can now have custom voiceloops, death sound effects, and hurt sound effects defined. To do this, you must have unlocked a diff mod of 5 or greater and click the appropriate option in the virus type selection screen. Custom stages now have no ambiance by default. New stage, Rusty_software! This stage uses a random stage feature that has been developed for a while now. The randomness is still limited in many many ways and will be the primary function updated in future versions. There are also some special rules for this stage. All arrows, items and enemies will respawn upon death. Eventually, a new boss and two new cutscenes will be appended to this stage, ending the game's new stages. You can now place sound_sources in the stage builder. It is impossible to allow the stage to change while you are playing it, so to meet with the demand for this, you can now tell one custom stage to transport you to another! Changed up the OGG Media player quite a bit. Changed up the stage selection screen quite a bit. There is now a new weapon available post-game! The Cyber Star is obtained by doing something in the game after you beat it, try to figure out what! I plan to allow stage creators to set a flag on their stage saying this weapon cannot be used in there. This has yet to be done, though. I hope you enjoy, AAC, V2.4 V2.3.6 Destroyed SGS file support in faver of OGG files. This has not been tested very much, errors may exist. V2.3.5 Fixed a save file corruption error. Because of this being a critical error, the following features are not well tested. The game no longer closes after beating Rusty. Scenes are now available in the sound test. V2.3 Fixed a runtime error. Fixed the infamous gaining bits as acomplish and losing them because you were in a custom stage glitch. Bit refunds are not allowed. The custom stage builder is still in beta. You do have my public appology, however. To repay, in the next major version, there will be a random stage as some people asked for! Fixed one of the footstep sound effects. V2.2 birthday release Today, May 30, 2013 is my seventeenth birthday. I am happy to present to you AAC, V2.2 Bugfixes, of corse! Added speech_codes for the text squares in AAC's stage builder. These are codes you enter in the textbox to change the player's output. For a list of codes, see the new section "speech_codes" The beginnings of allowing obstacle modification is now in place. Press period. Currently, you can only modify text squares. Add custom stage preferences. You can set what information you want the menu to display while picking a custom stage. Added an SGS media player. This feature can be accessed by pressing the Y key while in builder mode of the stage builder, or by pressing the new option in the stage menu. Added the two program files (x86) viruses to the virus database, but only after the game has been completed. Added the two program files (x86) viruses to the stage builder, unlockable of corse! Added items and BSOD hacks to the stage builder. Changed the way sgs files work slightly, the extent of damage to previous stages is unknown, however I didn't find a problem. You'll want to redownload the sgs package from V2.1 Fixed a bug where the pause BGM and the invinsibility BGM would play simaltaniously. To fix this, I simply made the invinsibility music pause when you pause the game, a feature I had always intended. Fixed some key conflicts, E.G. F2 was used in the custom stage builder to change the bgm, but F2 is also now used to modify the keyhook. The new key for modifying the stage bgm is f6. You can now press F7 to select ambiance, either the default ambiance or an SGS file. Fixed a bug where the stage builder was tossing you back to the main inbetween levels area if you pressed A and did not have arrows unlocked. Fixed some issues with changing the background music in stages. Edited the documentation a bit. V2.0 Bug fixing. You can now perchase multiple attack, defense, and max health upgrades at the same time in the store, the exact same way you perchase multiple lives in the store. Hurrah! All enemies in the virus database have been added to the stage builder, however most are unlocked by accomplishments. Arrows are now available in the stage builder, but only to those with 250 or more maximum health. Custom stages now save what version of AAC they were created in, which will definitely come in handy for not allowing new stages to be ran on an old AAC.. You can now set the starting location in a custom stage! Fixed a problem with stage password insecurity. As such, the encryption key has changed. Sorry, completely necessary. i wouldn't have done if it wasn't necessary. Make sure to keep old AAC around to unlock your stage files before upgrading to this version. This should never happen again. You can now press F5 in text entries to have sapi speak the contents of the box allowed to you. I don't know, AudioForm probably has a key for that but I cannot find it. Horible horible audio crash and hang fixed in bgt. (this is what causes the aac.exe has stopped working, and aac is not responding messages. Amazing performance boost! If AAC used to lag, try it again! The speed is now greatly increased! Added a note taking system in the pause menu. These notes are saved between AAC sessions in the save file, therefore, the notes are save file spesific. For more info, see the section "note taking" Added background music to the pause menu. You can pause and resume the music while in the pause menu with f5. Added the last played date and time to the save file. This can be heard when selecting a save file. You can now press K to hear your total kills for the current level, and shift+k to hear your total kills you have ever made. V1.5.3 Changed the custom stage interface to accept typed numbers instead of numbers in a menu. Added the ability to create one, and currently only one, type of enemy. You can now press space to set the current tile as the end of your stage. WARNING: Old custom stages must be resaved with the accurate ending tile, as by default the ending tile is an undeterminable number, usually zero. Fixed the control panel for stage creation, I accidentally murdered it last minute before uploading. Disabled the ability to mod the volume while typing. I should have thought of that. Typing D and U would ajust the volume, now they do not. V1.5.2 Fixed an error with placing corrupt sectors in the stage builder. Changed the behavior of talking squares to reset their "talked to" status every time you re-enter the playtest mode. The OK button in text entry screens is now the default button so pressing enter after inputing data will automatically press OK. Fixed a bug with corrupt sectors. You can now install the jaws keyhook by pressing F2, or uninstall it by pressing F3. Very handy if you want to, for some reason, play with Jaws. You must now press R to place a delete ray in the stage builder. D & U now menipulate the volume almost anywhere. Menus, stages, every where the game isn't loading things. There is now a cheating panel in the stage builder only, which will allow creators of stages (not players of a stage) to currently only mod their location, but more to come! I cannot wait to play user created stages! haha. Increased the allowed length of stage passwords from 250 to 500. (as if anybody cares) The stage name (not filename) and password remember what was last put in to that respective box. So, that is a puttentially huge time saver. The music volume now saves between stages. (No guarantees this isn't glitchy, probly is!) V can be used to tell you the current music volume. Enjoy. V1.5 Killed bugs. Changed saving a bit, the only thing that will be different about your save files is, sadly, you will have zero lives when you first load your save file from a previous version. Not a big deal, in all honesty. It would cost you 1275 bits to get 255 lives, the maximum number. The options menu (shift o) in the inbetween areas level now wraps. This means if you get to the end of the options and decide you want to hit the first option, you do not have to scroll all the way back to the top. Now, When the tts_voice will announce "checking for updates", it usually will not speak the whole message, it is interrupted by my logo. Rest assured, it still does check for updates. You, of corse, can always check for updates manually by hitting the option in the main menu. I now have a company name! My logo plays at the intro instead of the loading message. Added a postgame level! Program files X86! Added some achievements. Cleaned up some more documentation. You can no longer press escape to exit the menu which asks you if you are sure you want to exit a level. Because if you for some reason are hitting escape fast, you may hit it twice and yeah. You'd be sent back out of the menu. Done lots of stuff I didn't care to write in this documention. Optimized spikes to play their sounds differently so they do not run together. Added a sound test feature (allows you to listen to the music in game). It is an unlockible, with several different things need to be done to unlock it. It is not terribly hard to unlock, they are things you'd do for different reasons anyway. You can now skip the dying (stinger? jingle?) whatever with the enter key. Note that if the game is still processing the stuff which needs to be done before you can respone, this will not work. If this is the case, just try again. I am sure I have forgotten something. Oh yeah! Added a custom stage builder! beta 0.1! In this version of stage_builder, you can: Create stages and share the resulting stg file with friends via the internet! Create, play, and edit stages! Limitations: Currently, your stage cannot contain the following: Arrows (will be unlockible in future version) Fires (may be unlockible in future version) Moving teleporters (will be unlockible in future version) Enemies (in future, some enemies you will be able to place without having to unlock them, others you may have to unlock) So, with all of those things un-available, what the heck can you do with the stage builder?! Create teleporters Create delete rays Create corrupt sectors create platforms create tiles (rock, cracked wall, steel data, checkpoint, corrupt edge, nothingness, geyser puddle. Create barriers Create text. The best part about the stage builder is that you could create a stage and upload it to dropbox and then people can download and play your stage on their AAC executable! See the section "creating custom stages" for more information! v1.1 Improved game speed (only noticable on old computers most likely) Changed the way auto_downloader worked slightly (the downloads folder boss) Upgraded to the latest Dynamic_menu (an internal variable conflicted with my item class so I had not upgraded before. A value was changed, so now I upgraded to it. Probably something you won't notice, however. Added a virus database so you can find out all the different virus names! this is in the options menu. (shift o in between levels) Fixed a documentation error. Fixed a silly achievement bug V1.0 bugfix number 2 Fixed a bug where sound_pool would become clogged. Tried to improve platforms by making them play at different points so that it is easier to differentiate between them. Added a feature to speak the current version of the game in the main menu.